[Pictures: Gont, illustration by Ruth Robbins from A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin, 1968;
Map of Gont by Margaret Chodos-Irvine from Tehanu by LeGuin, 1990.]
[Pictures: Gont, illustration by Ruth Robbins from A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin, 1968;
Map of Gont by Margaret Chodos-Irvine from Tehanu by LeGuin, 1990.]
[Pictures: Titania Sleeping, painting by Richard Dadd, mid-19th century (Image from Wikimedia Commons);
Under the Dock Leaves, drawing by Richard Doyle, 1878 (Image from The British Museum);
Queen Mab’s Cave, painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1846 (Image from Tate);
Huldra Forsvant (The Fairy that Disappeared), painting by Theodor Kittelsen, c.1900-1910 (Image from Wikimedia Commons);
The Youth of Rum is Entertained in a Garden by a Fairy and her Maidens, illustration from Amir Khusrau, 1597-98 (Image from The Met);
Fairy Arch, Mackinac Island, painting by Henry Chapman Ford, 1874 (Image from Wikimedia Commons);
An anciente mappe of Fairyland, by Bernard Sleigh, 1917 (Image from Leventhal Map & Education Center).]
[Pictures: El Dorado - The Lost City of Gold, digital art by Brian Giberson (Image from Indigo Light);
El Dorado, digital art by Gonzalo Golpe (Image from GolpeArt).]
[Pictures: Journey to Arthur’s Court, wood engraving by Gustave Doré from The Idylls of the King by Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1867 (Image from Wikimedia Commons);
Arthur bidding farewell to his knights, illumination from Estoire del Saint Graal, Morte Artu, 1300-1325 (Image from British Library).]
- the ambition that strives to make the biggest, tallest, best…
- the confusion of languages and the difficulty of understanding others
- the thin line between our capacity to accomplish great things when we cooperate, and our capacity to let our individuality be subsumed as mere cogs in the machines of tyrants
[Pictures: The building of the Tower of Babel, illumination from Weltchronik, c 1370 (Image from Wikimedia Commons);
Bouw van de toren van Babel (Building of the Tower of Babel), woodcut by Christoffel van Sichem from a design by Hans Holbein, 1645 (Image from Rijksmuseum);
Two engravings by Coenraet Decker from Turris Babel by Athanasius Kircher, 1679 (Images from Internet Archive);
The Tower of Babel, woodcut by M.C. Escher, 1928 (Image from ArtHive);
Tower of Babel, linocut by Stanislaw Kubicki, 1917 (Image from Wejman Gallery).]
Gibel Atlantidy (The Last of Atlantis), painting by Nikolai Roerich, 1928-9 (Image from Wikimedia Commons);
The ruins of Atlantis, illustration by Alphonse de Neuville from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, 1870 (Image from Wikimedia Commons).]
[Picture: Footbridge between worlds, lithograph by J.J. Grandville from Un Autre Monde, 1844 (Image from blacque_jacque);
Sky City, rubber block print by AEGN, 2012 (sold out).]
[Pictures: Sugar Bush;
April Shower, both from A New England Calendar (in minature), wood engravings by Asa Cheffetz, c 1934 (Images from The Clark and Artsy).]
[Pictures: Autumn Fairy (Oaky Nutkin), rubber reduction print, AEGN 2021 (sold out);
Details of carving and printing the first layer, AEGN, 2021.]
[Pictures: Iphotamus, illumination from Der Naturen Bloeme (The Flower of Nature) by Jacob van Maerlant, c 1450-1500;
Equus fluminis, illumination from Der Naturen Bloeme by Maerlant, c 1450-1500 (Images from Koninklijke Bibliotheek);
Faras al-Ma (Water Horse), illumination from Manafi’ al-hayawan by Ibn Bakhtishu, 1300-1330 (Image from Smithsonian Museum of Asian Art);
Ypothamus, illumination from Liber de natura rerum, 1280 (Image from Bibliotheque municipale de Valenciennes);
Ypotamus, illustration printed by Johan Prüss in Ortis sanitatus, 1499 (Image from Boston Public Library);
Equs fluvius, illustration from Der naturen bloeme, 1300-1325 (Image from British Library).]