Why Block Prints and Fantasy? Quite simply they're two of my favorite things, and the two of my many hobbies that I pursue semi-professionally. I think a lot about these topics (possibly too much), and it seemed to me that it might be interesting to throw some of my thoughts out to other souls who love either fantasy or block printing or both. I hope my posts might start some conversations, or at least some trains of thought about how and why art and fantasy enrich our lives. (As for the "Words of the Month" feature, that's just because I love words and the English language, which is also why I majored in linguistics in college.)
I've been reading and writing fantasy in one form or another for all but the first few years of my life, and while I came to block printing later, I started selling my art before my writing. I had my first major art show, with sales enough to make me feel serious about being an artist, in 2002. I had the occasional stories and poems published in magazines since about 1983, but I started my adventures in self-publishing in 2005.
You can check out the three introductory posts from June 2010 to get started.

You can check out the three introductory posts from June 2010 to get started.
[Picture: Three Rabbits, rubber block print by A.E.G. Nydam, 2009 (sold out).]