I have just discovered the existence of the Literatura de Cordel, “string literature,” of the northeastern regions of Brazil. It is a tradition of pamphlets sold by vendors that hang them from lines of string for display (hence the name). The contents of the pamphlets are poems, usually of folkloric stories of romance, adventure, battles and bandits, and folk tales, but also sometimes about current events. They are also usually illustrated with a wood block print on the cover. They come out of the oral tradition and were often read aloud to illiterate audiences, sometimes performed by the authors themselves, who are considered to be in the tradition of troubadours. The rise of literacy, as well as the internet, has made some shifts to these traditions, but it is still going strong. When I first heard about this, I was fascinated to discover that there is an active and living version of the
chapbook tradition that was widespread in English-speaking countries in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but is now extinct there. But for my interest here today, the important thing is the block prints for the covers.
chapbook tradition that was widespread in English-speaking countries in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but is now extinct there. But for my interest here today, the important thing is the block prints for the covers.

[Pictures: cordel pamphlets (Image from Obvious);
A Cabra Misteriosa (The Mysterious Goat), wood block print by José Costa Leite (Image from British Museum);
Pé de Dinheiro do Banorte, wood block print by Jeronimo;
Rodolfo Coehlo Cavalcante, the King of Cordel, wood block print by MFS;
As Aventuras do Amarelo Joao Cinzeiro Papa Onça, wood block print unsigned;
O Romance do Pavao Misterioso (The Romance of the Mysterious Peacock), wood block print by ABA;
Libertaçao dos Reféns Americanos do Cativeiro do Iran (Liberation of the American Hostages from the Captivity of Iran), wood block print by Minelvino Francisco Silva (Images from HERE).]
I dont get to many blogs these days including my own . . . Love the artwork on those prints though so glad I visited when I did
Greetings, Rob! I hope all is well with you! =)
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