Here are some sweet block prints for Valentine’s Day by British artist Celia Hart. This first piece, featuring not only heart and flowers, but a love offerring, is the perfect Valentine. I like the detail on the primrose at the bottom center, and the use of the striped background to accent the heart. You can’t go wrong with this image of Valentine’s sentiment. Hart is inspired by the Suffolk countryside where she lives and includes lots of natural details in her work.

the two hares regarding one another with delight, and it’s impossible not to catch the romance.
A final piece, just to round out the collection, entitled “A Song in My Heart.” There’s only the one robin here, but he’s singing a heart of flowers right out of the air. This one is carved a little more smoothly, with a little more detail, and I like the composition with a blending of natural background - earth, twigs, grasses - and graphic layout - heart just floating on the page.

[Pictures: The Birds’ Wedding Day, linocut by Celia Hart, 2012?;
Love Song, woodcut by Hart, 2013;
My Heart Leaps, woodcut by Hart, 2013;
A Song in My Heart, linocut by Hart, 2014 (Images from]
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