What I’m most interested in, however, is this creature’s identity. It looks as if it would be right at home amid mythical beasts. Some scholars think it’s meant to depict the embryo of an echidna, which is certainly an obscure enough thing to make a sculpture of. You can see that this newborn echidna (called a puggle, because obviously we need a word that’s both cute and silly to describe such a creature)
shares our Ambum’s curved profile, nose, and tummy. Cryptozoologist Karl Shuker, however, points out that the Ambum sculpture’s ears, big round eyes, and defined neck (and lack of spines) are inconsistent with an echidna and suggests it could be a palorchestes. What’s a palorchestes, you ask? Sheesh, don’t you know anything? Well, it's a genus of terrestrial herbivorous marsupial with (paleontologists think) a long schnozz. You can see from the picture that this animal, too, bears a certain resemblance to the Ambum critter. Unfortunately, as far as any evidence goes, palorchestes lived only in Australia

Personally, I rather like the idea of the Ambum Stone representing some creature that really does look just like it, round eyes, round tummy, proboscis and all. I'm tempted to put such a creature in a story some time. The way it’s sitting makes me think it must be the size and temperament of a panda, mild-mannered but elusive, and out there still, somewhere in the dense, unexplored rainforests of New Guinea. You never know - surely it’s possible!
[Pictures: Ambum Stone, sculpture by anonymous artist, c 1500BCE (Image from National Gallery Australia);
Beau, short-beaked echidna puggle (Image from Taronga Zoo via ZooBorns);
Palorchestid, drawing by artist whose name I can’t make out (Image from Nova).]
Michael Mangal about ambum stone: http://facetopics.com/11123509427
Can anyone tell me how this creature found in the stone age of Papua New Guinea.
Ambum is a located in the highlands of Papua New Guinea known Enga. Ambum is one of a district about 20 kilometer away from the township of Enga.(wabag)
I hope you know more than me.
God bless.
what culture was this found in? lapita?
I'm afraid I don't know too much more, but my understanding is that no one knows much about the culture of the people who made it.
What type of culture in the country use this gods.
Our anciestor know how to hunt and make garden.
Its better to approach the Londol, Ambum people where this ambum stone belongs to.
People have stories to tell for documentations.
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