
January 4, 2019

Two Worlds

        On Wednesday I hung a show at the Newton Free Library, which will be up for the month of January.  Whenever I do solo shows I think of a theme to guide me in selecting which work to hang.  I enjoy working with a theme because it gets me to display a different cross-section of my work from what I usually show at sales.  In this case, I was slightly constrained by the library’s requirement that all work be made within the past three years.  Therefore, a few of the possible ideas I had for themes were out, because they would have included older work.  So I decided to stick with something relatively simple: my dual focus on the real world and the world of imagination.  Here’s the blurb…
        This show highlights the magic of two worlds: our own real world, and the infinite realms of the imagination.  The everyday world is full of wonderful things that are often unnoticed or unappreciated, while the world of the imagination allows us to let go of preconceptions and open our minds to all kinds of wonderful possibilities.  From the magic of a milkweed seed lifting with the wind to the magic of the mythical hercinia with its glowing feathers to light the way, there is cause for celebration everywhere.  We all need to remember to take the time to notice the beauty in our world and to let it inspire us to imagine worlds more beautiful still.
        I have 35 pieces on display, which is great, and they fill the Main Hall that enters the library, so it’s nice to think that lots of people of all ages will have the opportunity to see them.  (For info on the Newton Library show, here’s their web site.)  However, because I will also be showing a lot of work at the Arisia Art Show in January, and because there’s a fair amount of overlap of pieces due to the “imaginary world” part of the Newton Library theme, I have to do a boatload of extra framing.  I expect to have over 50 pieces at Arisia, which means that in the month of January I’ll have almost 90 pieces framed at once.  Yowza!

[Picture: Two Worlds, Newton Free Library Main Hall, stitched photo by AEGN, 2019.]

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's an amazing collection. I hope the show goes well.

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