
January 9, 2019

Boskone Mini-Interview

        This is the first year that I’ll be a program participant at the Boskone science fiction and fantasy convention after being in the art show for the past three years.  I’m not yet allowed to publicize what panels and workshops I’ll be doing because the program is still in draft state, but I will say that I’ve been assigned to stuff that touches on lots of my favorite subjects, and I’m really excited!  I’m also excited to be featured in a mini-interview on the Boskone Blog, along with some amazing authors.  You can read the piece here, and then be sure to go back to see all the other mini-interviews in the series.
        Boskone is held in mid-February, so I actually have the Arisia convention (Jan. 18-21) to worry about first.  I’ve been matting and framing madly for the art show, and for the panels I’ll be on I’m trying something new: I’ve added the panel titles as Labels on the sidebar to the right, and then tagged a variety of my former posts that include relevant content.  I’m hoping this will make it easy for audience members at the panels to access details I might mention, or just to see a little more about how I approach these topics.  (I’ll be doing the same for Boskone, but not until the program is officially released.)  Check out the Labels and see!
        And finally, since I don’t have any pictures of myself on panels or anything else relevant to illustrate this post, I’ve illustrated it with something irrelevant: my recent Jubjub bird.    I hope that I will remain cool, calm, and collected as I prepare for these two big events while simultaneously entering the busiest season of work organizing Needham Open Studios, and will not instead find myself in a perpetual passion like the Jubjub bird.

[Beware the Jubjub Bird!, rubber block print by AEGN, 2018.]

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