
February 18, 2022

Sledding Squid

         This delightful linoleum block print by Sarah Smith makes me smile, and I hope it cheers your day, as well!  It is made with three blocks, printing three colors: dark blue, pale blue, and pink.  Because the pink is transparent, there’s also a nice greyish color where it overlaps with the light blue.  My favorite touch is the stocking cap on the tip of the squid’s mantle.  If you wish to read a detailed description of every step along the way of creating this piece, you can read the article here.  It involves great information on the physical process (including transferring the design from block to block so they all match up), as well as a wonderful description of the creative process (including various design choices).
        The reason for a small post today, featuring just the one fun piece, is that very shortly I will be heading off to Boskone, the first in-person convention in two years.  After the enforced hiatus, I’m delighted to be back to a busy convention schedule:

   • Art Show (60 pieces!)

   • Presenting my talk “The Fantastic Bestiary” (always a little stressful wondering whether the tech will work)

   • Panel of artists talking about “Different Artists, Different Mediums”

   • Panel of authors talking about “Scary Fairies”

   • Panel of authors talking about “Poetry Matters”

   • Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Reading (much dithering over what to read, but I’ve finally chosen an excerpt)

   • Drop-in workshop where people can make mini block prints

        I’ve put labels in the side-bar pointing out prior posts related to the subjects of the three panels, in case anyone’s interested.  Of course there has been lots of other preparation over the past couple of weeks for all those items of the schedule, but (fingers crossed) I think all is ready to roll.  While there will be inevitable changes from the days BC (having to wear a mask all day, for one thing), I am optimistic.

        I hope you have a wonderful weekend, whatever your plans!

[Squids love sledding, color linoleum block print by Sarah Smith, 2015 (Image from Dartmouth Library Muse);

Packed up artwork, photo by AEGN, 2022.]

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