
May 26, 2021

Upcoming Events

         Okay, it’s probably time for another Upcoming Events post.  I know this content may not be intrinsically exciting, but I promise that it will point you toward lots of opportunities that are very exciting indeed.  There’s a lot of variety among these events, too, because we’ve got virtual options that are available to anyone anywhere in the known universe, and - for the first time in something like 15 months - there are also live and in-person options for people who happen to live in the greater Boston area.  So, here’s what I’ve got coming up…

        May 28-31 - Balticon 55 Sci Fi and Fantasy Convention, ON-LINE
This one is free and open to anyone, so if you enjoy sci fi/
fantasy this is a perfect opportunity to take part in a whole variety of activities.  As for me, I will be doing three readings: from the Otherworld series (Friday), Kate & Sam (Saturday), and The Extraordinary Book of Doors (Sunday).  I will be presenting my talk about The Fantastic Medieval Bestiary (Saturday).  I will have art on display in the art show, I'll be doing an art demo (Sunday), and I will be monitoring my “table” on two different on-line platforms: Discord and Gather.  And I will be participating in four panels about writing.  Wow!  INFO HERE

        June 4 - First Friday Quick Reads presented by Strong Women•Strange Worlds, ON-LINE
I am actually not one of the authors reading at this event, but it is the first in our shiny new series, presented by our shiny new organization.  I’ll be “back-of-house” running the slide show for the 6 featured authors.  The way our Quick Reads work is 6 authors reading from their own work for 8 minutes each, sharing a delightful sampling of diverse sci fi and fantasy.  It’s a great way to take a bite-sized lunch-break tour through worlds of wonder.  Preregistration is required (HERE), but the event is free.  It’s also only the first of an ongoing series.  Join us every First Friday (noon EDT) and Third Thursday (5pm EDT) for a fresh selection of authors and stories.  INFO HERE

        June 10 (rain date June 16) - Boston LitCrawl at Dial Restaurant, Cambridge
I will be one of four Broad Universe writers at this venue, each of us reading for 8 minutes.  (Two I know are terrific.  I don’t know the third and look forward to hearing what she’ll be sharing.)  This one is not free: $15 cover charge BUT it includes complimentary snacks (which are not, in my opinion “complimentary” if you had to pay $15… but on the other hand, if you consider $15 the cost of some most excellent author readings, then the snacks are indeed complimentary - and probably pretty tasty, too.)  I had been signed up to take part in Boston LitCrawl for the first time last year when everything got cancelled, so I’m really excited to be getting my chance at last.  INFO HERE

        June 12 (rain date June 19) - Flea Marché at the Needham Congregational Church, Needham
Normally I avoid taking part in outdoor art shows, but it’s been so long since I had a real art event with my table display, and people coming by, and actual talking and sharing (and hopefully selling) that I simply couldn’t resist!  So if you’re in the area, and you’re as eager as I am to get out and do something with live art, and people, and buzz, I hope to see you there.  INFO HERE

        June 11-July 4 - Group show “Looking Up” at Gallery Twist, Lexington
“An optimistic, upward-looking show of 200+ artworks by 50+ artists,” staged in Gallery Twist’s historic house right off historic Lexington Green.  The gallery will be open and is really a fun in-person experience.  (If you’re picturing galleries as stuffy or dry, you need to see Twist!)  However, they will also have the on-line 360° virtual tour, so that if you don’t happen to be able to get there in person, you can still see the show.  I will have 11 pieces in this show, which I’m really pleased about.  I certainly do seem to make a lot of work with that “optimistic, upward-looking” vibe!  INFO HERE

        Well, with all that going on, I do hope you’ll find something of interest!


  1. You've got so much going on!

    Here is the link to the book review I did on your first "Otherworld" book. I also posted it at amazon and goodreads.

  2. Thanks so much for the review! I'm very pleased that you enjoyed it, and appreciate your thoughtfulness.


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