
March 15, 2021

#AtoZChallenge Theme Reveal

         I will be participating in the April A to Z Blog Challenge once again this year, in which we post for every letter of the alphabet through the month of April.  As has become my usual custom, I’ll be beginning right away in March so as to give myself a few more breaks during the month of April.  So you can either join me now to get in the alphabetic mood for a couple of extra weeks early, or you can wait for April and then come back and read each letter’s post on its officially designated day.  (I’ll put lots of links to direct you easily around.)  Either way, I’m delighted to have you joining.  And as for what you’ll find when you join me…
        This year’s theme is Mythical and Imaginary Places.  
Pack light, but don’t forget your towel: we’ll be visiting strange, mysterious, and magical places throughout time and space.  The distinction I’m making between “mythical” and “imaginary” is that while the latter are straight fiction, the former may be understood by believers in various times and places to be real in either a spiritual or physical sense.  What the two categories have in common is that they won’t be found on a standard map of Earth, and they’re all magical and full of wonders.  Another thing they all have in common is that they tell us as much about ourselves as about their own exotic topography and denizens.  As T.S. Eliot wrote, “the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”  (Having spent the last two years of A-Z giving you morals, why should I stop now?)  Of course, self-awareness is great, but seeing magical new landscapes is pretty awesome, too, so join me in my alphabetical travels this year!
        And don’t forget to travel around to all my fellow A to Z Bloggers, as well.  You can find the Master List here.  (There are still a few more days to join, too.)

[Picture: Footbridge between worlds, lithograph by J.J. Grandville from Un Autre Monde, 1844 (Image from blacque_jacque);

Sky City, rubber block print by AEGN, 2012 (sold out).]


  1. This should be good fun, look forward to reading your posts.

  2. I enjoyed a lot your last year's challenge, and this one is going to be fun too!
    My 2021 AtoZ Reveal

  3. Always love your series Anne, and look forward to this one.

  4. This sounds fantastic! Can't wait to see what you do.

    I am rejoining the A to Z Challenge after taking a couple of years off.

    The Other Side, A to Z of Monsters.

  5. What a pleasure to find you again!
    I really enjoyed your chalelnge last year. I'll read along this year too! Can't wait. (The theme is just right fo rme!)

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - The Great War

  6. This seems so interesting! I can't wait to see the places!

  7. A fascinating theme. I look forward to all the places you deem worthy of your April posts.

  8. This looks like an intriguing theme, it makes me curious to see where you will take us. Good luck! (and that's a good idea to give yourself some space by starting early, I never thought about that option).


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