
February 13, 2020

A Room With a View

        I am very pleased to be one of eight artists featured this month at gallery twist in Lexington.  The show is called “A Room With A View,” because each artist gets a room — or at least, an area of the gallery/house.  My area is part of the front hallway and powder room!  (See this previous post on “Bathroom Art” — and be sure to read the comments, too, since they give another perspective.)
        One of the “twists” of this gallery is that they have a grand time staging the art in the house to give you fun things to look at and notice.  For example, you can see in the photos that there are turnips providing decor next to my piece “The Enormous Turnip,” and even peas scattered around “The Princess and the Pea.”  These touches are delightful in their own right, but also often serve to help visitors notice little details about the art, or consider a new perspective on it.
        The show will be up through March 1 so you can go see it any time until then, but I will be doing a special demo in the gallery on February 18 from 10-11am.  You’ll also get the opportunity to carve your own mini block if you wish.  I’ve just finished a design for a new block today, so I’ll have something to demonstrate, and you’ll be able to see (and try) the whole process.  So come on over to Lexington if you happen to be able to be free on a Tuesday morning, and I’ll be delighted to see you!
        But first, over the weekend I will be at the Boskone convention for the Art Show, and a reading from On the Virtues of Beasts of the Realms of Imagination.  That should be fun, as well, so it’s a busy month for me.  At least the demo means I’ll get a chance to keep making some art amid all the shows.  I’m not so sure about writing, but we’ll see…

[Pictures: Gallery Twist, photos by AEGN, 2020.]


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