
April 20, 2018

R is for Rosie

        (My A to Z Challenge theme this year is Characters from My Own Books.  For each letter I’ll share an excerpt from my writing that centers on one character.  I hope you enjoy meeting them!)

Jack Sprat could eat no fat.
His wife could eat no lean.
And so, between the two of them,
They licked the platter clean.

        Jack and Rosie could never agree on ground beef, but were otherwise extremely happy.

        Okay, I admit I didn’t make up the nursery rhyme, of course, but Jack and Rosie are indeed characters in one of my books, and I invite you to 
imagine them more fully.
        Rosie Sprat from Hey, Diddle Diddle! and Other Rhymes, a book of nursery rhymes with additional 
comments.  More information here.

[Picture: Jack Sprat & His Wife, Rosie, rubber block print by AEGN, 2001.]

A-Z Challenge, all posts for the letter R.


  1. I never knew Jack Spratt's wife was named Rosie. I looked at the illustrations and the one of Jack be nimble jumping over the candle stick reminded me of what my youngest grandson would love to do, run around jumping over things on the table.

    1. She didn't have the name Rosie - I gave it to her. "His wife" is an inadequate name for any woman.
      My kids certainly loved to run around jumping over things, but luckily not things on the table! They would make hurdles out of cushions, which was relatively harmless.

  2. We use nursery rhymes during hand washing time at my daycare and it has served me so well in developing those language skills.Good to find your Etsy shop as well!
    Stephanie Finnell
    @randallbychance from
    Katy Trail Creations

    1. Yes, nursery rhymes are such great building blocks for all kinds of language (and other) skills. Here's a previous post on just that topic:


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