
October 24, 2015

What's New in the Studio

        Having had a show last weekend, I got two blocks carved, and printed them this week.  Here’s one of them.  This is Dunguaire Castle (a restored sixteenth-century tower house), from a photo I took in Ireland this summer.  My challenge in the piece was to suggest all the lovely stone texture while getting the light and dark values, and not being too literal about the individual stones.  I did better on the dark sides than the light sides, but I like the look over all.
        The next show is in two weeks (Roslindale Open Studios), and in the meantime, my big challenge is that I need to make up new batches of cards and calendars, and my printer isn’t feeling well.  But I’ll also be preparing some more new blocks to carve.  One is already begun, and I have a couple of possible ideas for another…

[Picture: Castle on a Bay, rubber block print by AEGN, 2015.]

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