
December 10, 2013

Block Print a Day 7

        And back again to black and white.  This apple has a Matisse-like feel, with its flat planes of ink, simple outlines, and background arabesques.  I think it’s lovely!
        There are more than 7,500 varieties of apples in the world, which means you could eat an apple a day for more than twenty years without ever repeating varieties!  (That’s assuming you could actually get a hold of them all, of course.  The US apple industry grows fewer than 100 varieties commercially, and there are more of the top three varieties grown than all the others combined.)  It sounds rather like art, really, when you think about it… I could keep going, offering you a block print a day for years and years.  Some would be more appealing than others, some would be industry favorites and others unknown.  There are some artists who are superstars for a reason, but it’s also fun to keep poking around looking for some of those lesser-known, small-time artists who just might have created some undiscovered treasures.  So never forget to get your daily dose of art by keeping your eyes and heart open as you go through your day.

[Picture: Apples: Still Life with Patterning, linocut by Morgan Rose Hansen (Image from Etsy shop MorganRoseHansen)]

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