
March 16, 2011

Relief Printing Disaster Relief

        I'm adding this extra bonus post to let everyone know about an opportunity to help art help make the world a better place.
        Printsy member Hannah Skoonberg made this linoleum block print to raise money for earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan.  (Click on the picture to see it bigger.)  She'll donate $5 to the Red Cross for every one of these bookmarks she sells.  You can see the bit about it on the Printsy Blog, or go to her Etsy shop Skoonberg to see more info and to buy one.
        So she's inspired me to do the same.  I'm offering this miniature block print of a peace crane on Etsy, and I'll donate $6 of every sale to UNICEF for their relief work in Japan and other areas affected by the tsunami.  If you're interested, here it is on my Etsy shop NydamPrints.  Thanks!

[Pictures: Japan Disaster Relief Bookmark, linocut by Hannah Skoonberg, 2011;
A Wish for Peace, rubber block print by AEGN, 2010 (sold out).]


  1. Wonderful! Thank you. Last night I attended a concert by CityMusic. The orchestra played "Arioso", followed by silence (at their request, no applause) in memory of those who have lost their lives and those who are struggling in Japan. It brought tears to my eyes. Offering financial help is very important, too.

  2. Thank you for the post Anne I really appreciate it! In 2 days I have managed to raise $225 through bookmark sales. I actually had to print more this evening.

  3. That's wonderful, Hannah! Keep up the good work!


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